"You cannot discover new waters unless you have
the courage to step and unstep your mast."
During our first couple summers, we sailed Fernridge Lake in Oregon , the Columbia River out of Portland, OR, and one of our favorite spots, Lake Coeur d'Alene in Idaho, pictured at the right. When not in use we have always kept her stored under cover and out of the elements. During the winter of 2012, we towed her down to our second home in Central Texas and enjoyed many days of sailing on beautiful Canyon Lake , a great sailing lake. In the spring and summer 2012 we set out in our first generation Windseeker motorhome with our two sailing westies, Gracie and Corey , and traveled to the beautiful Fern Ridge Reservoir in Oregon, Lake Coeur d'Alene in Idaho, Lake Okanagan in B.C., and Flathead Lake in Montana.
The Anne Marie came with a long list of options. Those options include a Wing Keel, CDI Roller Furling 150% Genoa Jib, RayMarine ST-60 Tridata Speed/Depth Gauge, Stainless Steel Lifelines, Lewmar self tailing chrome Winches, Yamaha T8DPLH 8 HP high thrust 4-stroke outboard motor (pictured at right) with electric start and power tilt, a galvanized Trail-Rite trailer and a lot more. On the options page, we have included some additional photos showing some of these options that our boat came equipped with. With all these options, we priced the boat new from Catalina Yachts, but just by luck, we found a great deal on Craigslist for on a Catalina MkII that was almost brand new.
The Catalina 22 enjoys the longest production run of any modern sailboat, now in its 44th year! Click on the image at the right to see the color brochure from Catalina Yachts for the Catalina 22 MkII. The brochure contains multiple pages of information and background on the beautiful Catalina 22 MkII including full specs, options list and diagrams. You can read more about the long history of the wildly popular Catalina 22 in this 61 page brochure in PDF format, the "40 Year History of the Builder, the Class and the People who Love this Boat" prepared by Rich Fox of the Catalina 22 National Sailing Association. Here's a nice indepth review of the venerable Catalina 22 which features, among other things, a photo of our very own C-22 in tow behind a former motorhome of ours a few years ago.
My wife and I are both avid sailors. As a windsurfer for 25 years and a sailor for most of my life, I have long held the sentiment that the wind is the "breath of God", and for me, there is no more spiritually satisfying place to be than at one with the wind. In support of this, it is well documented that the ancient languages, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, all used the same word for wind, for breath, and for soul. My wife shares this sentiment and as we begin what is sure to be a lifelong love affair with this fine vessel, we find it an exceptionally fitting choice to cruise the open waters as we tow it behind our Motor Coach around this great country in our golden years.
At the right is our first photo of the Anne Marie under sail... her maiden voyage on the Columbia River out of Richland, Washington on Feb 17, 2010, the day we picked up our new girl. Ain't she a purty thing! It was a gorgeous late winter day with a light breeze, perfect for testing out the new boat. It was only the second time the sails were ever hoisted on this boat! That's me at the tiller, of course, waving to the photographer on shore. Click to see an enlarged photo. We've logged more than two thousand blissful sailing miles since that day. Here's a nice action video of regatta sailing in Texas at Canyon Lake near San Antonio, where we still own property. In 2017 we kept the boat in a slip at Steamboat Landing Marina in Vancouver, WA where we now live. In the summer of 2019, we put Anne Marie in beautiful Fern Ridge Reservoir in Oregon, and we liked it so well, we're back here in 2020 .
The sail, the play of its pulse so like our own lives:
So thin and yet so full of life, so noiseless when it labors hardest,
so noisy and impatient when least effective...
Henry David Thoreau
Important links for Catalina and other Sailboat owners
Sailing Videos which capture the spirit of sailing in various ways

Sailing Movies - great entertainment and sailing too
If you would like to send us an email and talk about sailing, email us
The Anne Marie was named for my beloved Aunt Annie, my mother's sister, Anne Marie Aversa of Philadelphia, PA. A registered nurse anesthetist for almost 50 years, she was a close member of our family and like a second mother to me for my whole life. She loved the water and had a house at the New Jersey shore for many years, where we shared many happy memories. She passed away in 2009 at age 85. This lovely sailboat is dedicated in loving memory to Aunt Annie, or 'Nan' as we all called her.